Thoughts, complaints, and loquacious ramblings.

Update – 1 March 2021

Getting back into the studio has been a huge relief after laying low for most of the winter.

Last november, I bought a 93 Ford Ranger at auction. It looked great in the pictures, but the frame was so rusted the first mechanic I took it to asked me to sign a waiver to drive it home.

A few weeks after, while waiting for my checking account to recover so I could start Ranger repairs, a flying SUV wheel jumped over a hill and totalled the CARDIS. I was fine, but the Suzuki seemed to dissolve around me.

Another few weeks, and I dipped into savings to buy a 93 Dakota. I’d had pipe dreams of learning car repair by doing a full frame swap of the Ranger, but the reality was: I didn’t have the space, tools, or yet the ability to do that on my own. I needed some sort of vehicle for hauling the salvaged wood, metal, and plastics I build all my work from, and the Dakota was what was available. That was about a month and a half ago, and thus far, I’ve been able to learn car repairs faster than it’s been falling apart.

All that to say, I haven’t had much time to get into the studio, and when I have been able to, I haven’t had the energy for photography.

But, barring unforseen destruction, I should be back. I’ve cleaned up and rearranged the studio, set up some new old tools, and started down the path of turning. By summer I expect to have quite a few new kinds of hollow-forms within my making abilities.

Looking forward to spring and plants and the potential of open air art markets.

Can’t wait.

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